Rappelz Türkiye Wiki

{{ {{{1}}} || |name = Defansif Antrenman |icon = Defansif Antrenman

|cast = |cool = |durn =

|tick = |rnge = |desc =

|typeMagic = |typeAttck = passive |typeBenef =

|MPmagn = MP 0 |MPpLvl = MP +0 |MPcard = nc

|fx1desc = Artış F.Def |fx1magn = +3 |fx1pLvl = +3 |fx1card = nc

| 1lv = 1 | 2lv = 2 | 3lv = 3

| 1jp = 4 | 2jp = 10 | 3jp = 62

| 1mp = 0 | 2mp = 0 | 3mp = 0

| 0fx1 = Artış F.Def | 1fx1 = 3 | 2fx1 = 6 | 3fx1 = 9

|preSkill.Guide = Fiziksel Antrenman Lv1 | 1JLv.Guide = 3 | 2JLv.Guide = 3 | 3JLv.Guide = 3

|preSkill.Stepper = Fiziksel Antrenman Lv1 | 1JLv.Stepper = 3 | 2JLv.Stepper = 3 | 3JLv.Stepper = 3

|preSkill.Rogue = Fiziksel Antrenman Lv1 | 1JLv.Rogue = 3 | 2JLv.Rogue = 3 | 3JLv.Rogue = 3


Okunabilir Bilgi için, Bakınız Defansif Antrenman.

Data record overview[]

This template is the central data record for information about the skill called Defansif Antrenman.

Changes saved here automatically propagate to any wiki article that uses a so-called presentation template to format and present this data in a uniform fashion. For a current list of these presentation templates see: Category:Skill presentation templates

Casual users
If you are uncomfortable editing this data record then simply make your contributions in plain text at the Discussion page. An experienced contributor will then include your data when they are next editing this page. Please mention the source of your data:
  • 1st hand in game experience
  • trusted website name
  • 2nd hand advice
  • vague memory from playing Epic3! ... etc.
Notice to editors
Please edit this page to update or correct data about the skill Defansif Antrenman. When adding or correcting data:
  1. Mention the source of your information in the edit summary.
    • It is preferable to make separate edits for separate sources (unless you are creating this datarecord.)
  2. Delete all descriptive text to the right of the equals (=) sign and replace with the desired value.
  3. Do not edit any param name to the left of the equals (=) sign.
    (The use of lowercase param names is deliberate.)
  4. If a parameter=value pair is not relevant to this skill then leave the line blank to the right of the equals sign.
    (e.g. some skills have 3 different effects while others have just one effect.)
  5. For unknown or uncertain values use a ? or ?guess placeholder.
    Other readers/contributors will be happy to correct or verify your missing or uncertain data point.
  6. For cumfx1, cumfx2, cumfx3 data:
    • Specify a suitable column header using (0cumfx1, 0cumfx2 and 0cumfx3)
    • Do not use any units. (e.g. P.Atk, HP, etc.) Instead, let these units be specified within the column header string.
    • If a value is expressing a percentage then please do use the percent (%) sign.
  7. Do not format numbers using thousands separator. The presentation template will take care of number formatting and apply this uniformly across the Rappelz Türkiye Wiki.
    • Use the period (.) symbol for a decimal point (not the comma).
  8. Spaces and the equals (=) sign may appear within the value string.
  9. Propose additions or changes to data fields at the "Watercooler" forum.


The unnamed parameter {{{1}}} is expected to be the name of whatever presentation template will be used to select, layout and format data for any specified skill. Some presentations allow for or expect a second unnamed parameter - see #Usage below.

The order of parameter=value pairs is not critical. Unused parameters may be deleted or left as place holders in case planned 3rd jobs can use them. Do not leave the description text after the equals sign or it will be treated as a value.

Known to be not applicable to this skill
Just leave the line blank after the equals sign.
Unknown data values
Enter a question (?) mark placeholder.
Uncertain data values
Enter a question mark before the value. (e.g. ?MP -2 would mean I think the value is MP -2)
Use to specify which type of magic a skill uses. Leave blank if no magic.
  • holy, shade, earth, water, air, fire
Use for a skill that delivers damage or makes the target vulnerable. (i) all magic attacks are ranged. (ii) Passive skills must be identified here.
  • melee, trap, ranged, passive
Use for a skill that delivers some benefit to the recipient. If the benefit is to your summoned creature then specify "self".
  • self, others, toggle
Specify any prerequisite skill as a page link and skill level (LvN) for "Job Name". Note: Capitalization is preserved but spaces are removed in "preSkill.JobName" field name. Important: Specify "none" if there is no prerequisite skill.
  • none, [[Skill Name]] LvN
{{ {{{1}}} |{{{2|}}}|
| name        = The in-game name of this skill using correct capitalization.
| icon        = The icon for the skill. (use non-lossy format image files, e.g. png)

| typeMagic   = holy, shade, earth, water, air, fire
| typeAttck   = melee, trap, ranged, passive
| typeBenef   = self, others, toggle

| MPmagn      = MP ?  i.e. cost per use at skill level 1 (0 if no cost)
| MPpLvl      = MP +? i.e. cost adjustment per skill level (0 if no adj.)
| MPcard      = MP -? i.e. cost adj. per skill card enchant level (0 if no adj.)

| cast        = ?s i.e. time to cast 
| cool        = ?s i.e. cool down period
| durn        = ?s i.e. duration of effect/buff/debuff (s: seconds, min: minutes)

| tick        = ?s periodic interval for: [[DOT]], [[HOT]], upkeep per tick
| rnge        = range in virtual meters for: AOE skill
| desc        = free text - useful if change per skill level is not uniform

<!-- Up to 6 effects (fx1..fx6) are supported. Unused effects may be deleted -->
| fx1desc     = effect 1 description (use "increase by" or "reduce by" language)
| fx1magn     = ?  effect 1 magnitude at skill level 1 (always positive - use "reduce by")
| fx1pLvl     = +? effect 1 change per subsequent skill level (0 if no change)
| fx1card     = +? effect 1 change per skill card enchant level (0 if no change)

| fx2desc     = 
| fx2magn     = 
| fx2pLvl     = 
| fx2card     = 

<!-- data per skill level - used by "Template:Cost and effect" -->
<!-- the full range of valid skill levels (current maximum is 20) -->
|1lv = 1
|2lv = 2
|3lv = 3
|4lv = 4
|5lv = 5
|6lv = 6
|7lv = 7
|8lv = 8
|9lv = 9
|10lv = 10

<!-- JP cost per level -->
|1jp = 
|2jp = 
|3jp = 
|4jp = 
|5jp = 
|6jp = 
|7jp = 
|8jp = 
|9jp = 
|10jp = 

<!-- MP cost per use -->
|1mp = 
|2mp = 
|3mp = 
|4mp = 
|5mp = 
|6mp = 
|7mp = 
|8mp = 
|9mp = 
|10mp = 

<!-- Up to 6 cumulative effects are supported. (cumfx1..cumfx6) -->
<!-- These are not calculated. They must be manually entered -->

<!-- cumulative effect #1 -->
|0fx1 = a suitable column heading string - loosely based on fx1desc     
|1fx1 = 
|2fx1 = 
|3fx1 = 
|4fx1 = 
|5fx1 = 
|6fx1 = 
|7fx1 = 
|8fx1 = 
|9fx1 = 
|10fx1 = 

<!-- cumulative effect #2 -->
|0fx2 = 
|1fx2 = 
|2fx2 = 
|3fx2 = 
|4fx2 = 
|5fx2 = 
|6fx2 = 
|7fx2 = 
|8fx2 = 
|9fx2 = 
|10fx2 = 

<!-- use a block similar to this next one for each job that can use the skill -->
<!-- no space in JobName, correct capitalization is required, delete unused fields -->

<!-- prerequisite skill per job and prereq. JLv per skill level -->
|preSkill.HolyWarrior = none, [[Skill Name]] LvN
|1JLv.HolyWarrior     = 
|2JLv.HolyWarrior     = 
|3JLv.HolyWarrior     = 
|4JLv.HolyWarrior     = 
|5JLv.HolyWarrior     = 
|6JLv.HolyWarrior     = 
|7JLv.HolyWarrior     = 
|8JLv.HolyWarrior     = 
|9JLv.HolyWarrior     = 
|10JLv.HolyWarrior    = 


There are currently four uniform presentations of skill data. Each one is implemented using a so-called skill presentation template. The presentation template name must be passed to this datarecord template as shown below. Some presentations expect/allow a second, unnamed, parameter.

presents a compact table of quick reference information about the skill
{{Skill/Defansif Antrenman|skilltab}}
Cost and effect5
presents a larger and more detailed view of data for each skill level: JP and MP costs, cumulative magnitude of each effect, the prerequisite job level and any prerequisite skill which isusually different for each job.
{{Skill/Defansif Antrenman|cost and effect}}
  • As a matter of coding expedience two similarly named templates exist for the above purpose. The above heavy-weight template is 29kb in size and is used only at the main page for a skill.
Cost and effect5lw
Use the following light-weight (~6kB) version to pass a case-sensitive "Job Name" to the template. The optional 2nd parameter is expected to be the name of just one job and the table detail is then paired down to just that which is relevant to the named job. Used prolifically at the main page for a job.
{{Skill/Defansif Antrenman|cost and effect6|Job Name}}
returns a specific value from the datarecord. That value is specified by name and is case sensitive. This is intended to be used in an article when the author wants to refer to the current value and does not want to be burdened with keeping that value updated or corrected.
This AOE skill affects enemies within {{Skill/Defansif Antrenman|Value|5range}} virtual meters of the target.

link title link title
